
This is a healthy way to cook popcorn. We often forget about popcorn but it does make a good substitute for crackers or crisps and even better it's 100% wholegrain and gluten-free!
Add the popcorn kernels to the paper bag.
Fold the top over and secure with tape.
Place in the microwave and cook on high with the timer set for two minutes. Listen for the corn to pop. When there are about five seconds between pops, stop the microwave and wait about 30 seconds. Remove the bag and open it carefully.
Eat plain for the healthiest popcorn.
Add flavour by spraying or drizzling with olive or flaxseed oil and adding spices, or a small amount of salt.
A microwave-safe bowl with a lid can also be used to air pop the corn, using the same cooking time.
The steam from the popped popcorn is very hot - be careful opening the bag.
Add the popcorn kernels to the paper bag.
Fold the top over and secure with tape.
Place in the microwave and cook on high with the timer set for two minutes. Listen for the corn to pop. When there are about five seconds between pops, stop the microwave and wait about 30 seconds. Remove the bag and open it carefully.
Eat plain for the healthiest popcorn.
Add flavour by spraying or drizzling with olive or flaxseed oil and adding spices, or a small amount of salt.
A microwave-safe bowl with a lid can also be used to air pop the corn, using the same cooking time.
The steam from the popped popcorn is very hot - be careful opening the bag.