About Carbs
- They are one of the main food groups
- They are the sugars, fibre, and starches found in our food
- They are the primary energy sources to fuel our bodies
- The right carbs are full of beneficial nutrients
- There are two types: simple (refined food – sugars) and complex (minimally processed whole foods – fibre and starches)
The benefits of eating the right kind of Carbs will …
- provide you with energy and vitality
- keep you calm, relaxed and sleeping well
- lessen intense sugar cravings
- ensure high-functioning hormones
- ensure you do well in the gym and life in general
Check out the video – 5 clever ways to replace carbs and still have a tasty meal!
Rather than cutting carbs from your diet, try
- Cutting down – aim to have 1 – 2 with each meal
- Replacing with better quality carbs (go for minimally processed as opposed to refined)
- Choosing whole grains like wholewheat pasta, bulgur wheat, brown rice, lentils, beans etc
- Changing it around – go for sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes, brown rice instead of white, etc.
- Trying fruit instead of fruit juice – more fibre and with half as much sugar
- Limiting sugary foods like cake – only have occasionally
- Tracking – so you are aware of how many and when you are having them
Check out the Okinawa Diet – these people eat a diet high in carbohydrates however they still live long and healthy lives The Okinawan diet is 85% carbohydrates
Some great healthy carb recipes 84 healthy carb recipes
Additional Resources
Know your Quinoa – find out about the seven different types
More about bean sprouts – learn more about how nutritious bean sprouts are and how to grow your own
Sweet potatoes versus potatoes – PN infographic
Carb Controversy – why low-carb diets have got it all wrong – Brian St Pierre (PN)
About Ancient Grains – find out more about these grains
About Popcorn – find out more about one of the world’s healthiest and most popular snacks
The Truth about Whole Grains – Are whole grains better than refined grains? See this PN infographic to find out.
Know your Bread – choose the best bread at the supermarket
Making Bread Part of Your Healthy Meals – recipes and food ideas